Giving Life to Old Dreams!

Hey Family!
Remember those big dreams and plans you used to have way back when? Let’s talk about them. It’s so easy to get distracted or discouraged, especially when life throws endless curveballs your way or when we let the opinions of others in. Before you know it, you wake up one day asking yourself where did the time go and regretting the things you didn’t do. Maybe your confidence about pursuing these dreams have been shaken or maybe you feel it’s too late. Well, I want to remind you that as long as you still have air in your lungs, it’s never too late! Those dreams and plans can still be realized! It may look a little different now than it did back then and maybe you’ll have to tweak a couple things, but there’s still time.
One good thing that comes from being delayed is, you now have more wisdom and knowledge. You have fresh eyes and life experiences to see your dreams through. You may also have more access to resources. You don’t need to make it all happen in one go, but you do need to take just one step.

I know from experience that looking at your entire dream can be overwhelming and anxiety inducing. So underneath your written dream, I want you to write one thing that you can accomplish in the next day(s), week(s), or within one month (don’t allow yourself to go beyond a month). It could be something as simple as making a phone call, doing some research, or assembling a team of trusted people - to something as big as applying for that loan, looking for a new job that will allow you the freedom to work on your dream, writing that manuscript, or starting therapy to figure out what’s stopping you from pursuing those dreams in the first place. Nothing is off the table. Once you’ve accomplished that first step, check it off, and write down another one.
Give yourself a deadline and make it happen!

If you have someone expecting an update from you, you’re more likely to make it happen. share your dream or plans, but make sure it is with someone who will encourage and push you. Someone who will believe in you.
Watch the TedTalks, go to the conferences, or YouTube “how to”. Reach out to people on social media. If you can see it, you can absolutely achieve it.

- Remember that every setback is a set up for something even better.
Don’t give up. Try again or attack from a different angle.
- Lastly, HAVE FUN.
Your dreams should be something you enjoy doing - something you can be proud of that gives you purpose and your life meaning. It will be harder to accomplish them if you are dreading getting up each day to go after them. It won’t be easy, but it should be enjoyable.
Don’t be afraid to dream big. I’ve heard time and time again, “if your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” Aim high, because regardless of if you make it to what you envisioned or not, I promise you, you’ll be much further than where you are now. Be brave, tune out the naysayers and your negative inner dialogue. Affirm yourself, take a leap of faith, and start now.
What is one dream that you are committing to taking steps to actualizing? Let us know below! And once you complete your first step, come back and write “I Did It!”. See you on the other side of your dream cousins!
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