How Often Should I Wash My Braids?

Yes hun, we see you in your fresh Faux Locs, Box Braids and even your Butterfly Locs. And wait, you even have your baby hair laid! You go girl! Now I know you may be thinking, “I am not messing my braids up so, I am going to hold out as long as I can before washing it”. News Flash! Skipping and holding out washing your braids can reverse the benefits of you having braids in the first place.
We tend to get braids due to the seasons, convenience, versatility, low maintenance and of course to protect our natural hair. Keep in mind your goal is to give your hair a break and allow it to experience growth. Washing your hair in a protective style should not be a chore but a cherished moment. If you dread washing your braids, keep these tips in mind.

- Remember, it is all about the scalp. Your scalp health is everything! Just because your hair is braided does not give you license to skip washday. There is no better time to take care of your scalp than when it is in a protective style. Why? Because your scalp is exposed, unlike when you do not have braids, you have direct access to your scalp and hair follicles.
- Wash your braids every two to three weeks. Waiting longer can cause a stressed scalp, which can lead to build-up of products, sweat, dirt, dandruff, dead skin cells, and bacteria that clogs your pores causing pimples on your scalp. (Are you heading to the shower to wash your hair?)
- In addition, when we have buildup on the scalp, it also leads to itchiness. Moreover, where there is an itch…we scratch or pat. Doing so also leads to a stressed scalp causing it to become inflamed and painful.
- Keep in mind when you wash your braids, you do not have to use expensive products. More than likely your brains are synthetic. Concentrate on using your more expensive hair products on your scalp where it is needed. If you find your braids are dull, dusty or look damaged, using an inexpensive “all in one” shampoo and conditioner will do just fine.

- The best product to use while your hair is in its protective style, is “Water”. We all know that warm water on your scalp will make your toes curl. Every now and then, while in the shower let the warm water hit your scalp. Gently message your scalp and rub your braids. This will rinse away the daily dust and dirt.
- Keep your scalp healthy by using Donna’s Recipe Hair Oil daily especially in between wash and rinse days.

Even with proper care, most people tend to keep this style for about six to eight weeks. To keep your protective style last awhile make sure to cleanse, care for, and dry your braids regularly. So on your self-care days while you are exhaling allow your scalp to breathe and exhale too.
Tab, Thank you so much for your Amazing products and inspiring spirit. I’m on my second bag of the hair gummies in conjunction with the strength oil and I’m very pleased with the great results of being consistent.
Happy Sunday Funday❤️
I have been using Donna’s Recipe set since November of 2021, and I have noticed a difference in my hair growth. Although my hair is still in progress, I have faith that it will get better (healthier and longer).
I love the products and enjoy seeing the results!
Hey I been using Donna recipe for 2 weeks now. Trying to grow but my hair Tab pray for me.
Thank you for the tip. I am getting braids next week. I love the oil and use it every day.
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